The United States dollar says it “In God we trust”.  Our pledge of allegiance had it added on a Flag day- “One nation under God”.  Our country was built upon trust in God.  But according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD, both in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, we don’t trust in God as a country. And we don’t trust in God as individuals.  What a slap in the face to God who has given us everything.

The Holy Bible says “fear not” 365 times.  Do you think that is a coincidence?  There are no coincidences with God.  We are to trust God, and to trust God, we need to listen when he says “fear not”.  This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fear God: absolutely we need to fear God.  All through the Bible are stories of the wrath of God as a result of the foolishness of people who had no faith or turned away from faith-Sodom and Gomorrah and the other three cities, Ananias and Sapphira, Adam and Eve. But we need to trust God to help us through our every day trials, to trust him to help us through our pain, trust him to help us through our life.  He tells us to have no fear, to have courage, that he is there for us.  365 times.  One for every day of the calendar year. “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is that doth go with thee, he will not fail thee or forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

If Jesus was here today, and you knew who he was, would you trust him enough to go to him and ask him to pray with you, to pray for you?  That is our problem too.  We don’t believe that Jesus is here.  He is.  We cannot see him, but we are supposed to know he is here.  Even so, we don’t have faith as a people enough to have the courage to go to him and ask for prayer, for help, to be with us in spirit.  To show us how to go on.  Sure, we are Christians, we profess our faith, we try to act in a Christ-like manner, but we fall short of the salvation of that Cross.  We are hypocrites because we don’t act upon our faith.  We don’t trust.

Jesus died so that we could have salvation and an eternity in Heaven.  God gave us that gift.  We need to trust that he wants the best for us, that he knows our pain, our fears, our shortcomings.  He loves us anyway, and wants us to come to know his Son so we can be in Heaven for eternity. Repent.  Ask for forgiveness.  Jesus is our salvation.

For more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,  listen to blogtalk radio at  Check out what the church is doing at  See clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube. If you want to fellowship with him, you can contact him by email through

God bless you.


Have  you ever been sad, sorrowful, frightened, fearful, lonely, so miserable you felt you just couldn’t get out of bed?  We all have at some point in our lives.  We are human, we have these emotions-the loss of a family member, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, friendships gone wrong; whatever the reason or source of the emotion, we all have had them.  The difference is, as a Christian, we have Jesus there to carry us through it.

According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, Jesus is there for us all the time.  All we have to do as Christians is ask, and we receive….It is written in red “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8). PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches “Jesus Christ is your bread when you’re hungry. Jesus Christ is your comfort when you are lonely. Jesus Christ is your peace when you are feeling tense. Jesus Christ is your rest when you are feeling weary. Jesus Christ is your joy when you are sad. Jesus Christ is your strength when you are weak. Jesus Christ is your living water when you are thirsty. Jesus Christ is your wisdom. Jesus Christ will supply you with fullness when you feel empty.” All we have to do is ask, to allow Him to do what He came here for in the first place.  To be our Salvation.

God loves us. Even for as bad as society is today, for all the evil that is out there, He loves us.  He loved us enough to send Jesus to take care of all of us over 2000 years ago. Jesus suffered for us, took a flat out beating for us, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. So that we could live, so that we can survive, so that we can be happy both here on Earth and an eternity in Heaven. We have become so calloused and so hardened because society has told us to fit in, to comply, to follow everyone else, that most of us have no idea who Jesus is and what He means.  And that is sad.  That Man took a beating, hung on a cross for nine hours and suffered for us, rose again, and is still there for us to save us from ourselves. From Satan. From eternity in Hell. We as a culture just don’t know that all we have to do is seek him, accept him as our Savior, repent our sins, seek forgiveness, and ask.  That’s all.  Give Him your soul, your heart, and ask for help when you need it. So if you are feeling so low you want to take your life, if you are so sad you feel like you could cry from the soles of your feet, you feel so alone that there is no one who could want you, there is Someone there for you.  Jesus. He will help you get up off the floor and give you the strength and courage to endure.  And that is a Gift that has never stopped.

Go to to hear more sermons of hope and salvation.  Watch video clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Want to see what BRINGING BACK GOD is up to, go to  If you would like fellowship with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at

God bless you.



Have you ever told someone that you are a non conformist, that you march to the beat of your own drum? Many of us have, but we really don’t.  We end up doing what everyone else does or following along with someone else, fitting in with the crowd.  Do you want to change, and not be the same old you?  It’s hard, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA.  Change is a business these days, everyone has an opinion of how to help you be a better you.  We sense we need change, so we change our jobs, our hair color, our cars, work out, trying to make a change that feels good, telling ourselves we march to a different drummer. But we don’t.  Not really, we end up with same worries and the same problems. We can’t seem to fix what is on the inside, according to  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.

Romans 12:2 says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (KJV). How do you do that?  How do you just step back and let go?  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that our first step is to make growing in Christ a priority in our lives. It’s out of that relationship that the power for change comes. It’s his Holy Spirit living in us that is the power. You invite Jesus in to your heart, and make Him a priority.  You will feel better, you will have joy, and you will change.  The second step is to prayerfully listen for direction. In faith, we do the next thing Jesus tells us to do. Any move toward new life is going to seem risky. Our part is to take that step, trusting that God will be there to provide whatever is needed.  He will be, let go and let God provide for you. Jesus died so that we could change….he was beaten, mocked, carried his cross, then crucified, so that we could change and live eternally in heaven.  I would rather fit into that crowd….the one that Jesus leads.  Wouldn’t you?

Listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on Go to and see what is new with the church, BRINGING BACK GOD. Catch a clip of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Every Christian needs fellowship.  You can reach PASTOR JOHN COLLINS through email at

God bless you.






As a child, did you ever get back at another child because he or she did something to you and it hurt your feelings? Or made you angry so you got even? Or as a teen or even an adult, have you stayed in a relationship out of fear because you felt whoever your partner was would hurt you more physically than the emotional strain of staying in the relationship?  Or have you been in a relationship where getting even is part of the relationship?  You did this, so I’ll do that?  It’s called tit for tat. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRISTOL and MARIETTA, preaches that God’s love is unconditional.  In our society, love is defined as a feeling we have for each other, a commitment to one person. With God, he loves us no matter who we have been, what we have done, so long as we seek him 100%. All he asks in return is to love Him.  There is a difference between loving God and fearing God, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS…..fearing God is giving Him glory and putting what God says above everything else. Loving Him giving Him glory and holding Him dearer to ourselves than anything else.

You say you do love God; as Christians we all say we love God, but we don’t show it, we don’t act it. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (KJV). Total loyalty, love for God, cannot be divided between Him and our possessions.  We say we love God, but we show our love to our things, our money, our possessions, our selves before we show our love for God. Then there are the trials and tribulations we all endure.  We blame God for the pain that we encounter: the loss of a job, a car accident, ill health-like God is reaching from the sky with His thumb to crush us like an ant.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, God does not want us to suffer….he never has, that is why he made the Garden of Eden in the first place.  It was our sin that tossed us from that Garden, just like it is our sin that gives us pain.  God isn’t giving us pain, he isn’t capable of it. He isn’t saying because you keep doing this, I’m going to do this to you….that’s childish immaturity and tit for tat. The fact is Satan is-pain is where he gets to claim souls: people give up on God because of the pain that they are suffering from the sin that has destroyed our lives.  God isn’t doing it, sin is.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that God wants us to find salvation and relief from our sins. That is why he sent Jesus to be our sacrifice and take our sins.  What a burden that must have been for Jesus, and still is today.  Salvation is ours from our sins, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and seek redemption through Jesus. God gave us Jesus because He loves us.

If you want to hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, listen to him on You can follow what is happening at BRINGING BACK GOD by going to  If you want to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,you can email him at

God bless you.



PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, tells his congregation that faith will give us confidence. The Holy Bible says “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, KJV). God is always with you and will not abandon you. “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” (Psalms 31:24, KJV). God knows your heart and knows your faith, he will give you strength through your faith. “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee, with the right hand of my righteousness.  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.  Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be nothing, and as a thing of nought.  For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not, I will help thee.” (Isaiah 41: 10-13, KJV).  God will be beside us and with us as we face whatever it is that we need to face that challenges our courage. He says here that those people who are against us will be taken care of, removed. It is our faith, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, that moves God to give us confidence.  “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10, KJV). Have faith in the Lord, and He will help you. In Matthew, 15:21-28, Jesus was approached by a Canaanite woman, asking for help for her daughter who was possessed. She was a Gentile, not an Israelite, but she had faith that Jesus could heal her daughter.  Her faith in Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, saved her daughter.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GODteaches us that our faith gives us confidence, gives us courage, to do what seems to be impossible or improbable. Our faith saves us: our faith in Jesus dying for our sins on the cross, being resurrected from the dead, and being the connection, the bridge between sin and heaven through that sacrifice.  Our faith draws us closer to the cross and to salvation. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says he used to be so far from the cross, he needed binoculars to see it.  Now, through his faith, he is so close he get splinters in his hands. We all should have that kind of faith-with that faith, we will have the confidence and courage to do what God wants us to do, because God is there for us.

Go to and listen to more inspirational sermons online.  They will not disappoint you.  Visit the website for BRINGING BACK GOD at  If you need someone to pray with you or you need someone to talk to you, to help give you the confidence or courage, faith, that you are lacking, you can email PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at  He will respond to you. He really will.

God bless you.

Pastor John Collins, Bringing Back God, Marietta & Bristol: Addiction and hope through Christ

Addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, such as narcotics or alcohol, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma or sickness.  Addiction is also identified as the the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity-something that you just can’t stop no matter what.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, has helped many people overcome their addiction.  Among those people are some of his personal friends. One sermon at BRINGING BACK GOD, PASTOR JOHN COLLINS told of a friend who tried to stay clean for six months then failed. That Sunday, PASTOR JOHN COLLINS told the congregation family at BRINGING BACK GOD that he had spoken to his friend and the friend was five days clean and searching for a church to go to that morning….he lived in another state. In the church congregation that morning were at least five members who were once addicts to either narcotics or alcohol.  The sermon that PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preached spoke of hope and promise and being free of addiction because you become a Christian, like his friend.  Being an addict is difficult.  There are programs to help you quit whatever the addiction is, but it requires commitment to yourself and from others.  To give up an addiction as a Christian requires commitment to Christ.  That’s pretty much it.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS has said frequently and repeatedly at BRINGING BACK GOD that once you are a Christian and give up your addiction, you are not a recovering anything, you are simply you….a Christian who once had an addiction-and now can witness to others so that they can be saved. Give yourself to Jesus, find your way to the cross, and He will help you conquer that addiction because of your faith.  Your faith heals you.

The Holy Bible says “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, KJV). In the New Testament, it says  “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23, KJV).  In Ephesians 4 23-24, KJV it says: “be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” PASTOR JOHN COLLINS puts it more simply-hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it.  And, when it comes to addiction, there are no recovering Christian anything.  You are just plain Christian.  You are a new creature.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS also says don’t let what you are today determine what your are going to be tomorrow.

If you want to hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  If you would like to see what is going on in the church BRINGING BACK GOD, go to the website  If you need to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can reach him by email at

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Can you sacrifice for God?

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One definition of sacrifice is to slaughter or kill as a religious act. Another definition is the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get something else. There is sacrifice in both the Old and New Testaments in the Holy Bible.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, spoke of the sacrifice of Abraham in a sermon and asked the congregation if they would be able to do the same-give up their first born child? Who could? Could you? Abraham did and God spared his son at the last minute. Isaac was Abraham’s only son by Sarah and a miracle in his conceptionAbraham and Sarah were in their 90’s when he was conceived. Abraham had such faith that he followed God’s wish even though he must have felt horrible at the thought of it.  His faith saved his son. Other sacrifices in the Old Testament refer to specific animal sacrifices for redemption of sin. God saw that man could not follow his laws regarding sacrifice of animals, greed and man’s will got in the way. God’s sacrifice to us was His Son Jesus.  God sent Jesus to us, as a human, to be crucified as a sacrifice for our sins. The sacrifice of His Son gives us the way to eternal life and forgiveness of our sins. All we have to do is ask and we will be forgiven, believe and we will have life through our works and deeds, because Jesus died as a sacrifice.  What does God want in return for His Sacrifice?  Us.  Our commitment 100% to Him. To be Christlike. To live a daily life without lies, gossip, cheating, adultery, murder, slander. Each one of those is the same in God’s eyes. The Holy Bible says in a letter from Paul to the Romans “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1 KJV). That is what God wants from us.  Jesus disciples left their way of life, their families and sacrificed what was their normal activities of daily living.  Could you do that today if Jesus asked you?  God’s been asking us to do that since the beginning of time. Sacrifice yourself for God.

Want more? Go to the BRINGING BACK GOD website or listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINSat

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Get back up and try

Life knocks you down time after time. The unexpected happens, a dishwasher breaks, central air conditioning fails, you are in a car accident, someone gets critically ill, someone dies unexpectedly.  These are all things that happen in the course of a lifetime, it is part of living.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD,it’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up and try.

God offers us the chance to continuously try to do the right thing, to have faith, to be kind to someone, to say “God bless you, I love you“. He gave us His Son, Jesus as a chance for us to have salvation, to find our way to eternal life, through the cross. Jesus died for our sins.  God’s perfect SonGod sent Him so that He could be crucified, to have those nails pounded into His hands and feet so that we could be saved. So that our sins would be forgiven.

The cross is the only way for true prosperity and happiness.  You just have to want to get up and do it, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD.No one said it would be easy to be a Christian.  It wasn’t for the apostles, it isn’t easy now.  In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us the beatitudes, the very last one says “blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.” (Matthew 5: 11 KJV).  That is exactly what happens now, same as it did over 2000 years ago.

Put some backbone into your faith.  Stand up for what you believe.  When life knocks you down, get back up, by the grace of God.  Give your fears to Jesus. If you want to listen to more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  Check out the website for BRINGING BACK GOD at It can turn your life around.

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: trust in Jesus

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Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me“(John 14:6, KJV).  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, Jesus Christ is your bread when you are hungryJesus Christ is your comfort when you are lonely.  Jesus Christ is your peace when you are feeling tense. Jesus Christ is your rest when you are feeling wearyJesus Christ is your joy when you are sad.  Jesus Christ is your strength when you are weak.  Jesus Christ is your living water when you are thirsty.  Jesus Christ is your wisdom.  Jesus Christ will supply you with fullness when you feel empty.  All you have to do is believe.  Trust in Him.  Know that He is there for you, that he will walk with you, even carry you if you need it.  Believe and ask.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins.  We all are sinners, and we all make mistakes every day.  He is there to forgive us as Christians.  We just need to accept that He is there in our hearts.  When we accept Him as our Saviour, we can seek forgiveness for our sins.  Trust in Him.

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: don’t laugh at me

Harley rider

A man stood outside a church in ragged jeans, a dirty shirt with many holes, and looked like he didn’t have a bath in days.  It was Sunday, and many people were filling that church that day because they were about to meet their new pastor.  No one took the time to offer help or speak to the man who was hanging around the entrance of the church.  The church service began, and a church elder spoke to the congregation, introducing the new pastor.  As he was introduced, he walked down the aisle, everyone turned to look at the new pastor, as only the church elder who introduced him knew what he looked like.  Walking down the aisle was the man in ragged jeans, torn shirt, looking like he needed a shower.  When he got to the front of the church, he looked at the congregation and told them what hypocrites they were: not one had taken the Christian action of saying hello, offering him to come in, offering a cup of coffee-no hospitality, no Christian kindness.  They had absolutely broken the commandment of love thy neighbor.  He then dismissed the church for the day after only five minutes. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, told this during a sermon as example of how Christians, people who think they are truly Christians, judge other people.  Jesus says in Matthew 7:1-3 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (KJV).

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS explained the story of the new pastor and compared it to Jesus’ teachings of not judging others by their appearance, their manner, their actions. A Christian does not condemn others for what or who they are.  BRINGING BACK GOD is a church that opens its doors to everyone, regardless of whether they are a bank president or a tattooed biker, a woman who has had a abortion, or someone who is an alcoholic.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS  wants everyone to be welcome at BRINGING BACK GOD, to be part of the church family, to be accepted for what and who they are.  We all are sinners, and we all fall short of the cross. The mote in your brother’s eye is a speck of sawdust, the beam in your eye is a plank of wood…like a support beam of a building.  Don’t judge someone: you are a sinner just like they are.  You aren’t any better than anyone else. We all come together for the same reason, to find our way to salvation through the cross that Jesus died on.  He took our sins, the perfect Son, so that we could have eternal life.

So back to the church members who ignored the needs of the man standing outside that door……what if that was Jesus, looking to see how He would be received?  What if the pastor really was a ragged looking bum, and not dressed up as one? What difference did it make?  What truly matters is not what is said about someone as hearsay or gossip, not what someone looks like, with tattoos or ragged clothes, but what their heart is,  how they act, and who they are now not their past, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD. Don’t let what you are today determine what you are going to be tomorrow.

God bless you.