Have  you ever been sad, sorrowful, frightened, fearful, lonely, so miserable you felt you just couldn’t get out of bed?  We all have at some point in our lives.  We are human, we have these emotions-the loss of a family member, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, friendships gone wrong; whatever the reason or source of the emotion, we all have had them.  The difference is, as a Christian, we have Jesus there to carry us through it.

According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, Jesus is there for us all the time.  All we have to do as Christians is ask, and we receive….It is written in red “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8). PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches “Jesus Christ is your bread when you’re hungry. Jesus Christ is your comfort when you are lonely. Jesus Christ is your peace when you are feeling tense. Jesus Christ is your rest when you are feeling weary. Jesus Christ is your joy when you are sad. Jesus Christ is your strength when you are weak. Jesus Christ is your living water when you are thirsty. Jesus Christ is your wisdom. Jesus Christ will supply you with fullness when you feel empty.” All we have to do is ask, to allow Him to do what He came here for in the first place.  To be our Salvation.

God loves us. Even for as bad as society is today, for all the evil that is out there, He loves us.  He loved us enough to send Jesus to take care of all of us over 2000 years ago. Jesus suffered for us, took a flat out beating for us, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. So that we could live, so that we can survive, so that we can be happy both here on Earth and an eternity in Heaven. We have become so calloused and so hardened because society has told us to fit in, to comply, to follow everyone else, that most of us have no idea who Jesus is and what He means.  And that is sad.  That Man took a beating, hung on a cross for nine hours and suffered for us, rose again, and is still there for us to save us from ourselves. From Satan. From eternity in Hell. We as a culture just don’t know that all we have to do is seek him, accept him as our Savior, repent our sins, seek forgiveness, and ask.  That’s all.  Give Him your soul, your heart, and ask for help when you need it. So if you are feeling so low you want to take your life, if you are so sad you feel like you could cry from the soles of your feet, you feel so alone that there is no one who could want you, there is Someone there for you.  Jesus. He will help you get up off the floor and give you the strength and courage to endure.  And that is a Gift that has never stopped.

Go to to hear more sermons of hope and salvation.  Watch video clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Want to see what BRINGING BACK GOD is up to, go to  If you would like fellowship with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at

God bless you.


Do you think God has forgotten about us?  With the wars in the Middle East, the kidnapping of children, the murder, rage, and hatred that is in the world, do you think God has given up on us?  According to  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, while preaching in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, God has not forgotten about us.   We think that He has forgotten us, we think that He just may not care. There are so many who have so many different beliefs because we are always looking for a sign and for proof. Through out the Holy Bible, it is written that God reveals himself to us….According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS“God revealed Himself to Adam and Eve. God revealed Himself to Cain. They were brothers and Cain slew Abel. God revealed Himself to Noah. His family was saved and right there is where we can ALL trace back our family lines. We all come from one of those people who eventually produced the human race that is covering this globe we call earth. God revealed Himself to Abram and called him away from his homeland to promise his descendants a new land. God told Abraham that his descendants would be strangers in a strange land and would serve them, Egypt, 400 years. God revealed Himself to Isaac and to Jacob, whom He renamed Israel, and renewed His promise with both of them. God was with Joseph in Egypt and enabled him to save His chosen people from the famine. God revealed Himself to Moses and through signs and miracles led the Jewish people out of Egypt and into Canaan. God revealed Himself to the people at Mt. Sinai and they were terrified and asked Moses to intercede. God gave the law at Mt. Sinai. God led them through the desert for 40 years. God revealed Himself to Joshua and led them to conquer much of the Promised Land.” After all this, which is written in the Holy Bible, Israel still chose to rebel. God continuously gives Israel a chance to redeem itself and come back to God, it is the chosen people.  But also, because of the gift of Jesus and salvation to us through His death on the Cross, all of us have a chance to redeem ourselves.

We still don’t please God, though, even when he has given us all these chances to succeed. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preachethat “Israel is a battlefield and it is not the only one. There is war in our hearts and in our souls and in all this time that we have been on this earth it seems as if we have learned nothing. Where is our compassion? Where is our love? Where is our respect, not only for ourselves, but for each other? We are forever repeating such bad choices and right now there are so many people hastening the return of Jesus Christ. It is not by our hand that we will hasten that. We will surely destroy ourselves in the effort though. Quit looking for signs people and start praying for peace. Quit looking for the rapture to come and get your knees dirty and pray for Israel. For they are the firstborn, yet we are next. They are our family and our beloved people. And if you think that is not true of you, you are wrong. My family came from that boat and so did yours. I don’t care what religion you claim, I don’t care what your beliefs are; the truth is we are related.
I am asking that you consider carefully the truth of your heart. I am asking that you consider carefully your thoughts and your prayers. I am asking that you consider your actions and speech to others. I am asking that you find compassion and bother with the time it takes to seek mercy from the Lord. Pray that Israel and all of us find mercy and compassion from God and Jesus Christ. Pray that healing and building hope can begin. Pray that the Holy Land begin to act Holy and pray for those that have been hurt and lost loved ones in this fight.”

And most of all, remember to be thankful for this one great merciful truth, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. God still wants all of us.  Find salvation in His Son Jesus, He died on the cross for us.  God wants all of us.

See what the church is doing, go to For more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, check out  See clips of his sermons on YouTube.  You can contact him by email at

God bless you.


Backsliding means you go backwards spiritually and morally, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, during sermons given at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and  MARIETTA. Your journey as a Christian is like walking an unknown trail: you have ups, downs, and unexpected turns.  As a hiker, you never want to turn around and go backwards. It is the same with the walk of a Christian. According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, when a believer backslides or goes backwards, he falls back in some way into a less desirable condition.  It may be something as simple as neglecting to pray, neglecting to read the Bible, and losing his focus on God. It could also be intentional, where a believer deliberately chooses to take part in life’s sinful pleasures.  This type of backsliding can carry disastrous consequences, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. It can bring dishonor to the One who laid down His life for us, Jesus Christ. It can also sadden and bring grief to the lives of loved ones.”  Backsliding will bring turmoil into the believer’s life: guilt and despair, shame and discouragement, and feelings of condemnation are not uncommon.

The Good News is that God will not condemn him. God’s love for us is unending, forever. He is there for us even when we backslide. The parable of the prodigal son, the lost son, shows God’s love and compassion for us.

The parable of the prodigal son is only found in Luke 15. The story is told by Jesus to “publicans and sinners”.  The Pharisees and scribes were self righteous toward Jesus, murmuring that he ate with sinners….a perfect setting for the parable. The story tells of a father who had two sons.  The youngest son, who by Jewish law receives a smaller portion of inheritance, asked his father for his inheritance, turned it into cash, and left his home for another country and blew his inheritance in “riotous living.”  After all his money was gone, a famine struck the country  where he was, and he was forced to work for someone there taking care of pigs…for the Jews, this was offensive because this was forbidden by Jewish law.  It was the lowest of the low for the son.  The son would have eaten what the pigs were given he was so destitute.  He realized that he would be better off in his father’s home as a servant, since he had sinned against his father by his actions and deeds. His intent was to return to his father and seek employment as a servant.  Instead, his father saw him coming while he was still “a great way away….his father had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.  And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son”.  Instead of being angry, the father threw a banquet for him and said “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” (Luke 15:11-24, KJV) How much more our Father in Heaven loves us and will take us back when we come to realize how we have gone backwards.  The Lord calls the backslider back to Himself through the work of the Holy Spirit. How perfect is that?  He does not condemn us, we are forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus, because of the love that God has for us. What a promise He has given us.

You can hear sermons recorded by   PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on the internet by going to  See what is happening at BRINGING BACK GOD by visiting the website,  You can view a clip of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube, he preaches like no one you have ever heard. If you need fellowship, you can reach PASTOR JOHN COLLINS through email at  Have a blessed Sunday.

God bless you!



How do we act when someone mistreats us? Do we lash out in anger, respond in frustration, pull back in fear, become depressed? What about looking at that person’s shortcomings and having compassion for their failings.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, at BRINGING BACK GOD, Jesus knew and understood the limitations of his followers.  He was able to understand and have compassion for their failings. When someone treats us poorly, we don’t have to like them, but we need to look beyond those actions and be understanding.  Otherwise we are no better, we are hypocrites according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.

It is written in red in the KJV, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you: That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Jesus knew the Pharisees were hypocrites and told them so, but he still loved them through understanding. God loves us all. John 3: 16-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”(KJV). God is love. He is the source of all true love, His love is unconditional and he consistently seeks the most good from us. If he is the source of all true love, then Jesus is the human representation of that love. He loved his followers unconditionally.  He overlooked their shortcomings and sins. Peter was so impulsive that he denied Jesus three times before He was crucified. Yet, after His resurrection, Jesus gave Peter the chance to declare his love for Jesus three times.  Jesus understands us and loves us for who we are.  We need to do the same as Christians striving to be Christ-like on our way to the salvation offered by Jesus. Trying to understand others actions doesn’t change their guilt before God, but it can help you to love more freely.  It means learning to see people for who they are and caring about them anyway.

Listen to more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to See what  BRINGING BACK GOD is doing, go to  You can follow BRINGING BACK GOD on facebook and like the page. If you want fellowship with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at

God bless you


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for friends.” John 15:13. (KJV).  This is written in red, which means Jesus said it. Merriam and Webster define it as the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS in BRISTOL and MARIETTA preached that God sent Jesus as a Sacrifice for us so that we can have eternal life.  Not sent as a compromise, sent as a sacrifice. He gave up his life for all humanity so that we can live. Jesus loved sacrifically.  His whole human life was spent preparing for that moment that he died upon the cross as a Sacrificial Lamb so that we could live.

In Mark 8:43, Jesus said, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”  What does it mean to deny yourself?  It means to give up what may matter most to you.  Your job, your education, your savings, your home, your family.  The disciples were asked to leave their work and follow the Lord. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.  What kind of sacrifice would you make for your Lord?  If God’s Son walked the Earth today, what would you give up for Him?  Your wealth?  Your children?  Your grandchildren?  Your lifestyle? Your spouse?  Would you deny who you are to protect Him? Sacrifice means to give it all.  Could you give it all?  Jesus did.  He suffered for us even though he was without sin. He never lied, committed adultery, murdered, slandered, gossiped, never worshiped something other than God. He was Perfect.  And he was our Sacrifice according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. He was sacrificed to act as the bridge from our life here on Earth to our eternal life in Heaven.

“The highest form of love is to lay your life down for another. Genuine love almost always involves some level of sacrifice. That doesn’t mean we must give in to all the demands of others; instead, we should seek to give them what will ultimately be most beneficial.” PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.

Want to hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINSGo to  You can follow what BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by going to  If you want to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can contact him through email at

God bless you.


Jesus loved us selflessly-he suffered and then hung on a cross and died for us so that we can have eternal life.  There is no greater selflessness than to give your life for others. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS when preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, tells us that Jesus loved selflessly all the time. And, since Jesus was the living God, acting on behalf of our Father in heaven, what Jesus did, He did because it was of God.  The Old Testament tells us in Leviticus 19:18 (KJV) “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love the neighbor as thyself.  I am the Lord.” In the New Testament in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. ” Matthew 5:44-45 (KJV). It’s easy for us to love those who love us.  That’s normal for us as humans.  Jesus loved everyone, he loved the unlovable.  That is what we are to do as Christians, to be Christ-like, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.Loving the unlovable goes against what society teaches us.

One of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS favorite preachers is David Wilkerson.  Wilkerson went from a mountain town in Pennsylvania and began a ministry among the heroin addicts of New York City.  In the 1960’s. His story sounds like it could be happening today.  Wilkerson loved the unloved.  He gave hope to young men and women who were addicts by giving them and showing them the love of Jesus.  So many of those addicts had no hope.  Loving selflessly like Jesus gave them hope and brought them out of the desert of wilderness.  It isn’t impossible to love the unlovable.  You can do anything through Christ.  Just ask, pray for it with heartfelt desire and you will know how according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. We Christians need to love the unlovable. It means not doing what will bless us, but doing what will bless them. It will save ourselves and the world.

You can hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by logging onto the website You are sure to hear a preacher like never before. You can hear and view clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube. See what church  BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by visiting  You can write to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at

God bless you.



According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS in sermons at BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, Jesus loved forgivingly, sacrificially, selflessly, and understandingly. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS encourages us to be Christ-like as Christians. One way to be Christ-like is to love like Jesus did. For us, because we are human, it does not come naturally.  We sooner take the easy way and give in to the ways of the world…..we say “I’m having a bad day, I just can’t take this, they did this to me” and turn around and take our bad day out on someone else-in turn they respond in kind and choose to have a bad day as well. The Holy Bible says to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Do we love ourselves so little that we want to make someone else’s life miserable because something happened? Jesus loves forgivingly. Daniel 9:9 says “To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him”.  Jesus was the living God, and all that He did, He did by God’s command.  He loved forgivingly. If Jesus loved forgivingly, then God loves forgivingly.  If God wants us to be Christ-like, Christian, then we need to learn to love others forgivingly.

We can easily take offense at what other people do or say. It’s our nature. But God wants us to forgive others, like we forgive ourselves-love thy neighbor as thyself. Someone at a business made an error the other week.  A pretty big one, one that affected people directly and indirectly-it spread like a web.  The individual who made the error was busy gossiping about the town-where to go, what to do, someone who misused a church.  While she was doing this, she made an error that had pretty far reaching effects. The individual who had to deal with the fall out from the error chose not to dwell on it or make a big deal out of it, they chose to forgive the person who made the error. The opportunity to fix the error by someone else came quickly-a blessing from God– so that no one suffered for the mistake.  The person who made the mistake was committing sin by gossiping. In that moment, Satan had a chance to create pain and misery. Giving forgiveness to that person stopped Satan in his tracks.  There was no route for him to follow.  None.  Genuinely loving your neighbor and giving forgiveness is Christ-like. Jesus was willing to die to cleanse us of our sins.  Being bitter and holding resentment would have been the normal response for most people…giving Satan free reign in our hearts. With Christ-like love and forgiveness, it stopped him in his tracks.  What an outcome.  How much better off we all would be if we could do that! Peter in Acts 3:19 said “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” PASTOR JOHN COLLINSpreaches the same thing-that we seek forgiveness from God through Jesus, so that we can have eternal life. Seek that relationship with God, be like Jesus.  Love everyone forgivingly.

You can hear more sermons like these by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by going to You can see what BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by visiting the church website at  Fellowship is an important part of being Christian; you can talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by emailing him at  Have a blessed Sunday.

God bless you.




As a child, did you ever get back at another child because he or she did something to you and it hurt your feelings? Or made you angry so you got even? Or as a teen or even an adult, have you stayed in a relationship out of fear because you felt whoever your partner was would hurt you more physically than the emotional strain of staying in the relationship?  Or have you been in a relationship where getting even is part of the relationship?  You did this, so I’ll do that?  It’s called tit for tat. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRISTOL and MARIETTA, preaches that God’s love is unconditional.  In our society, love is defined as a feeling we have for each other, a commitment to one person. With God, he loves us no matter who we have been, what we have done, so long as we seek him 100%. All he asks in return is to love Him.  There is a difference between loving God and fearing God, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS…..fearing God is giving Him glory and putting what God says above everything else. Loving Him giving Him glory and holding Him dearer to ourselves than anything else.

You say you do love God; as Christians we all say we love God, but we don’t show it, we don’t act it. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (KJV). Total loyalty, love for God, cannot be divided between Him and our possessions.  We say we love God, but we show our love to our things, our money, our possessions, our selves before we show our love for God. Then there are the trials and tribulations we all endure.  We blame God for the pain that we encounter: the loss of a job, a car accident, ill health-like God is reaching from the sky with His thumb to crush us like an ant.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, God does not want us to suffer….he never has, that is why he made the Garden of Eden in the first place.  It was our sin that tossed us from that Garden, just like it is our sin that gives us pain.  God isn’t giving us pain, he isn’t capable of it. He isn’t saying because you keep doing this, I’m going to do this to you….that’s childish immaturity and tit for tat. The fact is Satan is-pain is where he gets to claim souls: people give up on God because of the pain that they are suffering from the sin that has destroyed our lives.  God isn’t doing it, sin is.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that God wants us to find salvation and relief from our sins. That is why he sent Jesus to be our sacrifice and take our sins.  What a burden that must have been for Jesus, and still is today.  Salvation is ours from our sins, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and seek redemption through Jesus. God gave us Jesus because He loves us.

If you want to hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, listen to him on You can follow what is happening at BRINGING BACK GOD by going to  If you want to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,you can email him at

God bless you.



PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, preaches that our doors are open to everyone, no matter who they are, what they look like, what they do.  Non judgemental.  And that is how we are at BRINGING BACK GOD.  He says that in the Bible, Jesus would eat with the tax collectors and publicans.  The Pharisees looked down on this in self-righteousness according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,not understanding that the people who needed to be saved the most were and still are the ones that have no idea of salvation: the sinners.  “And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.  And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice: For I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Matthew 9: 10-13. Who else would Jesus want in his church….who else would a pastor want in his church?  People who go to church to be seen in a church, or people who go to church who want to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross?

A relative of one of the church members was critically injured and almost died in a vehicle accident in June.  It is a miracle of God that she is alive, and another miracle that she is recuperating as quickly as she is.  She was released from the hospital to heal enough so she can eventually go for rehab.  If you want to read her story, you can see it at Laura’s recovery fund webpage. Healthcare coverage being what it is in the United States, she needed a lot of money to pay for only half of one of her prescriptions….over $2000.  Still needs help. Friends of hers have done the Christian thing, stepped in to help without being asked.  One of these friends approached his church to see if they would sponsor a fundraiser.  He didn’t ask for money, he asked for resources of people who say they are Christian, to help.  The pastor who he spoke to said that they couldn’t help because she wasn’t a church member.  Wait a minute.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS teaches us at BRINGING BACK GOD, both in BRISTOL and MARIETTA,that if someone comes to you for help, you don’t turn them away.  It doesn’t matter who they are. James 2: 15-17 says “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, not withstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” This church had the perfect opportunity handed to them to help a child of God in need.  What if she had been Jesus testing the waters to see where that church’s faith was?

Don’t judge people.  Love thy neighbor…that’s what Jesus wants us to do, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, no matter who they are, whether they are a church member or not. Jesus wouldn’t have turned the request away. If you want to hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  If you would like to see what the church is doing, you can see the website at

God bless you.



PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, teaches that the Holy Bible is the only book you need to know how to act, live, believe, pray. God gave it to us to use as a book to live by.  The 10 Commandments are laws given to Moses directing the chosen people, the Israelites, how to live a godly life.  The books of Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament, tell of history and of rules to live by for that time to be close to God.  Eve’s original sin of eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6), has had man in sin ever since. God has constantly been working to save his creation of man since the original sin of Eve.

The Holy Bible, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, tells us how to live a Christian life.  All we have to do is read it.  How many of us have read the Bible cover to cover?  Then the next question is how many of us understand what we read?  The most accurate translation according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS is the King James Version, it is difficult to read because of the old English formality.  So how do you understand it?  His suggestion is to get a good commentary and look up what you don’t understand.  Explanations help you to understand just what is being said.  Translations have changed some of the names in the Holy Bible making it confusing for us to follow the story line.  The Old Testament refers to Elijah, a prophet,  being taken up, he is one of two people in history that did not die a human death.  In the New Testament, it’s translated into Elias.  Isaiah, the prophet in the Old Testament, is translated into Esaias in the New Testament.  To the normal everyday person reading the Bible, this can be confusing.  Using a commentary will help solve that confusion.

The Holy Bible was given to us by God through a variety of writers.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS teaches us that is it a spiritual medicine, a way to find peace and guidance.  It’s meant to help us learn to heal our diseased morals that have become out of hand in today’s society. The Gospel gives us hope through the sacrifice of Jesus; this is God’s way of helping mankind get beyond the original sin of Eve. God gave us the opportunity of salvation, by choosing to follow Jesus and the Gospel, repenting of our sins and being born again as a Christian, one who is Christ-like.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, teaches us to read the Holy Bible everyday.  Even for 10 minutes.  If you are studying the Bible, have a second one nearby so you can cross reference the small notes found in most Bibles referring to other verses and chapters.  This can help you understand what you are reading more.  Get a commentary.  And ultimately, fellowship with someone who understands the Bible.  You can contact PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by email if you have a question about what you are reading.  He will answer you;  Listen to his sermons for a fresh view on faith at Visit the church website at  Have a wonderful Sunday.

God bless you.