Have  you ever been sad, sorrowful, frightened, fearful, lonely, so miserable you felt you just couldn’t get out of bed?  We all have at some point in our lives.  We are human, we have these emotions-the loss of a family member, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, friendships gone wrong; whatever the reason or source of the emotion, we all have had them.  The difference is, as a Christian, we have Jesus there to carry us through it.

According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, Jesus is there for us all the time.  All we have to do as Christians is ask, and we receive….It is written in red “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8). PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches “Jesus Christ is your bread when you’re hungry. Jesus Christ is your comfort when you are lonely. Jesus Christ is your peace when you are feeling tense. Jesus Christ is your rest when you are feeling weary. Jesus Christ is your joy when you are sad. Jesus Christ is your strength when you are weak. Jesus Christ is your living water when you are thirsty. Jesus Christ is your wisdom. Jesus Christ will supply you with fullness when you feel empty.” All we have to do is ask, to allow Him to do what He came here for in the first place.  To be our Salvation.

God loves us. Even for as bad as society is today, for all the evil that is out there, He loves us.  He loved us enough to send Jesus to take care of all of us over 2000 years ago. Jesus suffered for us, took a flat out beating for us, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. So that we could live, so that we can survive, so that we can be happy both here on Earth and an eternity in Heaven. We have become so calloused and so hardened because society has told us to fit in, to comply, to follow everyone else, that most of us have no idea who Jesus is and what He means.  And that is sad.  That Man took a beating, hung on a cross for nine hours and suffered for us, rose again, and is still there for us to save us from ourselves. From Satan. From eternity in Hell. We as a culture just don’t know that all we have to do is seek him, accept him as our Savior, repent our sins, seek forgiveness, and ask.  That’s all.  Give Him your soul, your heart, and ask for help when you need it. So if you are feeling so low you want to take your life, if you are so sad you feel like you could cry from the soles of your feet, you feel so alone that there is no one who could want you, there is Someone there for you.  Jesus. He will help you get up off the floor and give you the strength and courage to endure.  And that is a Gift that has never stopped.

Go to to hear more sermons of hope and salvation.  Watch video clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Want to see what BRINGING BACK GOD is up to, go to  If you would like fellowship with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at

God bless you.



Have you ever told someone that you are a non conformist, that you march to the beat of your own drum? Many of us have, but we really don’t.  We end up doing what everyone else does or following along with someone else, fitting in with the crowd.  Do you want to change, and not be the same old you?  It’s hard, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA.  Change is a business these days, everyone has an opinion of how to help you be a better you.  We sense we need change, so we change our jobs, our hair color, our cars, work out, trying to make a change that feels good, telling ourselves we march to a different drummer. But we don’t.  Not really, we end up with same worries and the same problems. We can’t seem to fix what is on the inside, according to  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.

Romans 12:2 says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (KJV). How do you do that?  How do you just step back and let go?  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that our first step is to make growing in Christ a priority in our lives. It’s out of that relationship that the power for change comes. It’s his Holy Spirit living in us that is the power. You invite Jesus in to your heart, and make Him a priority.  You will feel better, you will have joy, and you will change.  The second step is to prayerfully listen for direction. In faith, we do the next thing Jesus tells us to do. Any move toward new life is going to seem risky. Our part is to take that step, trusting that God will be there to provide whatever is needed.  He will be, let go and let God provide for you. Jesus died so that we could change….he was beaten, mocked, carried his cross, then crucified, so that we could change and live eternally in heaven.  I would rather fit into that crowd….the one that Jesus leads.  Wouldn’t you?

Listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on Go to and see what is new with the church, BRINGING BACK GOD. Catch a clip of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Every Christian needs fellowship.  You can reach PASTOR JOHN COLLINS through email at

God bless you.






Backsliding means you go backwards spiritually and morally, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, during sermons given at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and  MARIETTA. Your journey as a Christian is like walking an unknown trail: you have ups, downs, and unexpected turns.  As a hiker, you never want to turn around and go backwards. It is the same with the walk of a Christian. According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, when a believer backslides or goes backwards, he falls back in some way into a less desirable condition.  It may be something as simple as neglecting to pray, neglecting to read the Bible, and losing his focus on God. It could also be intentional, where a believer deliberately chooses to take part in life’s sinful pleasures.  This type of backsliding can carry disastrous consequences, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. It can bring dishonor to the One who laid down His life for us, Jesus Christ. It can also sadden and bring grief to the lives of loved ones.”  Backsliding will bring turmoil into the believer’s life: guilt and despair, shame and discouragement, and feelings of condemnation are not uncommon.

The Good News is that God will not condemn him. God’s love for us is unending, forever. He is there for us even when we backslide. The parable of the prodigal son, the lost son, shows God’s love and compassion for us.

The parable of the prodigal son is only found in Luke 15. The story is told by Jesus to “publicans and sinners”.  The Pharisees and scribes were self righteous toward Jesus, murmuring that he ate with sinners….a perfect setting for the parable. The story tells of a father who had two sons.  The youngest son, who by Jewish law receives a smaller portion of inheritance, asked his father for his inheritance, turned it into cash, and left his home for another country and blew his inheritance in “riotous living.”  After all his money was gone, a famine struck the country  where he was, and he was forced to work for someone there taking care of pigs…for the Jews, this was offensive because this was forbidden by Jewish law.  It was the lowest of the low for the son.  The son would have eaten what the pigs were given he was so destitute.  He realized that he would be better off in his father’s home as a servant, since he had sinned against his father by his actions and deeds. His intent was to return to his father and seek employment as a servant.  Instead, his father saw him coming while he was still “a great way away….his father had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.  And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son”.  Instead of being angry, the father threw a banquet for him and said “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” (Luke 15:11-24, KJV) How much more our Father in Heaven loves us and will take us back when we come to realize how we have gone backwards.  The Lord calls the backslider back to Himself through the work of the Holy Spirit. How perfect is that?  He does not condemn us, we are forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus, because of the love that God has for us. What a promise He has given us.

You can hear sermons recorded by   PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on the internet by going to  See what is happening at BRINGING BACK GOD by visiting the website,  You can view a clip of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube, he preaches like no one you have ever heard. If you need fellowship, you can reach PASTOR JOHN COLLINS through email at  Have a blessed Sunday.

God bless you!



Jesus loved us selflessly-he suffered and then hung on a cross and died for us so that we can have eternal life.  There is no greater selflessness than to give your life for others. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS when preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, tells us that Jesus loved selflessly all the time. And, since Jesus was the living God, acting on behalf of our Father in heaven, what Jesus did, He did because it was of God.  The Old Testament tells us in Leviticus 19:18 (KJV) “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love the neighbor as thyself.  I am the Lord.” In the New Testament in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. ” Matthew 5:44-45 (KJV). It’s easy for us to love those who love us.  That’s normal for us as humans.  Jesus loved everyone, he loved the unlovable.  That is what we are to do as Christians, to be Christ-like, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.Loving the unlovable goes against what society teaches us.

One of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS favorite preachers is David Wilkerson.  Wilkerson went from a mountain town in Pennsylvania and began a ministry among the heroin addicts of New York City.  In the 1960’s. His story sounds like it could be happening today.  Wilkerson loved the unloved.  He gave hope to young men and women who were addicts by giving them and showing them the love of Jesus.  So many of those addicts had no hope.  Loving selflessly like Jesus gave them hope and brought them out of the desert of wilderness.  It isn’t impossible to love the unlovable.  You can do anything through Christ.  Just ask, pray for it with heartfelt desire and you will know how according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. We Christians need to love the unlovable. It means not doing what will bless us, but doing what will bless them. It will save ourselves and the world.

You can hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by logging onto the website You are sure to hear a preacher like never before. You can hear and view clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube. See what church  BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by visiting  You can write to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at

God bless you.

Pastor John Collins, Bringing Back God, Bristol & Marietta: The old is new again


PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, says that the old is new again. So much of what is in the Holy Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament to right now is appropriate and new again.  It is wisdom from the ages that is never too old to follow or understand. The first five books of the Holy Bible in the Old Testament are books of Moses.  The Ten Commandments were given by God to Moses and it’s described in the book of Exodus 20: 2-17.  Moses speaks of the Ten Commandments again in Deuteronomy 5: 7-21.  These laws are to live by for all of us, then and now.  To break one is to sin, and one is just the same as the other. Murder=adultery=idolatry=covet=lies. In Proverbs, 6:16-19, it speaks of the seven deadly sins-again pride, lies, murder, slander these are the same and God will reject you from fellowship because of these acts. In the New Testament, Jesus constantly preaches to those who come to hear him and to his disciples to follow these commandments, and clarifies that man is to love the Lord thy God with all  your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength-the first commandment. He also teaches to love others as yourself.  Put others first, do things for others that you would want done for you. In Matthew 15: 4-6 and 18-19, Jesus speaks of evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies-all references back to the writings from Moses.  Paul in Colossians 3: 5-10 emphasizes the same thing after Jesus’ crucifixion. These are appropriate for today, what is old is new, as PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, teaches in his sermons. We still have issues with murder-its on the news every day, using the Lord’s name in vain-speaking of God in an empty manner, lies, adultery, idolatry, fornication-which is lust and looking at others with desire not love, stealing goes hand in hand with coveting-if you want it, take it?! All of these and more go directly back to the original Ten Commandments.

All God wants for us is to follow his laws.  His laws are a basic guideline to being a good person.  Jesus’ teachings tell us how to be Christian in addition to following God’s commandments. God sent Jesus to us to try to fix our sins since we had a difficult time following them in the first place! We as a society, whether in the USA or elsewhere, need to find our way to the cross, to be a better people, to help each other not stomp all over each other on our way to where—-Hell?  Jesus preached to help one another. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that we need to give a hand up, not a hand out. All we need to do is let Jesus into our hearts.  Repent our sins and mean it.  Then act like a Christian-our deeds and works show we are Christian. This is our way to the cross and to eternal life-which is what we want, right?

The old is new again.  If you want to hear more from PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to, or listen to him on  You can email him at

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Make time

Make time vs. take time.  To take time gives the sense that you will only do something once to get it over withMake time gives the sense of changing a habit, of making it work, over and over.  Which one do you think God would prefer?  A once and done or once in a while relationship or a permanent do it every day, every hour, every minute relationship?  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, explained in a sermon that God is a jealous God.  He wants what is his to pay sole attention to Him. Not for us to pay attention to ourselves first (selfishness and vanity), not to put football or basketball or soccer or NASCAR first, not to put our family first, but to put Him first in all that we do.  Everything.  We need to make time to honor God.

In the New Testament, Matthew 6:24 says “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (KJV).  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, makes it very clear that if you want to serve God, you have to be a 24 hour a day Christian, there are no 23 1/2 hour Christians in heaven.  It’s all or nothing for God. In the Old Testament, Deuteronomy 6:15 says “For the Lord your God in your midst is a jealous God—lest the anger of the Lord your God be kindled against you, and he destroy you from off the face of the earth.” (KJV).  The old is new again, as PASTOR JOHN COLLINS has said.  God has clearly shown his wrath through out the Bible in the Old and New Testaments.  Just because we aren’t seeing the kinds of destruction that is written in the Old Testament doesn’t mean that God isn’t showing us his anger in how our world is today….record breaking snows and ice cold winters, rainfall of biblical proportions, tsunamis, earthquakes, mega storms from hurricanes the likes never seen before….do you really think God isn’t showing us his anger?  All we need to do is realize that God comes first, give him the praise and prayer that he demands and expects, then fix ourselves by being Christian.  God sent us Jesus to die for our sins, so that we could have a chance at redemption and eternal life.  We need to stop throwing that sacrifice back in God’s face.

If you want to know more, go to or listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Get back up and try

Life knocks you down time after time. The unexpected happens, a dishwasher breaks, central air conditioning fails, you are in a car accident, someone gets critically ill, someone dies unexpectedly.  These are all things that happen in the course of a lifetime, it is part of living.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD,it’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up and try.

God offers us the chance to continuously try to do the right thing, to have faith, to be kind to someone, to say “God bless you, I love you“. He gave us His Son, Jesus as a chance for us to have salvation, to find our way to eternal life, through the cross. Jesus died for our sins.  God’s perfect SonGod sent Him so that He could be crucified, to have those nails pounded into His hands and feet so that we could be saved. So that our sins would be forgiven.

The cross is the only way for true prosperity and happiness.  You just have to want to get up and do it, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD.No one said it would be easy to be a Christian.  It wasn’t for the apostles, it isn’t easy now.  In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us the beatitudes, the very last one says “blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.” (Matthew 5: 11 KJV).  That is exactly what happens now, same as it did over 2000 years ago.

Put some backbone into your faith.  Stand up for what you believe.  When life knocks you down, get back up, by the grace of God.  Give your fears to Jesus. If you want to listen to more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  Check out the website for BRINGING BACK GOD at It can turn your life around.

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Pray like you mean it


PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, says that when you pray, ask for what you want with all your heart. Pray knowing that is what you want or need.  God answers prayers.  Sometimes we don’t like his answers, but he does answer prayers.  He also doesn’t always answer right away, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, but our prayers will be answered.  He teaches that the Holy Bible shows us that God will answer our prayers. Jesus says in Mark 11 23-24 “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (KJV). Faith and believing in God and Jesus will give us the answers we are looking for.  In John 16 23-24 Jesus says; “And in that day ye shall ask me nothing.  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.  Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” (KJV). PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, says this means that when you pray, pray to God, but you ask through Jesus.  Just like the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus, praying in Jesus’ name is how God hears our prayers.  James 1:5-6 says “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  But let him ask in faith, nothing waivering.  For he that waivereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” (KJV).

God will answer our prayers.  All we have to do is pray and mean it.  God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Mistakes

We’ve all made mistakes: we re all sinners.  Some mistakes are worse than others, but we can’t seem to help ourselves-we re human.  There was only one perfect human that ever existed, and his name is Jesus Christ, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS BRISTOL TNand MARIETTA PA, BRINGING BACK GOD.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINSsays that he wasn’t always a preacher, and that he was as big a sinner as there was, but since he found his way to the cross though the love of Jesus Christ, that he is saved.

God knows that we make mistakes as humans.  He tried to give the Israelites hope by giving them Moses and the commandments to follow.  They couldn’t follow them even long enough to let Moses get off the mountain with them.  For centuries man tried to save himself through the laws of Moses, but temptation to the idols of other counties won because man just could not obey.  Obeying the Word of God can be simple or it can be complicated.  Ezekiel the prophet was directed by God to eat a scroll so that the Word of God would fill his belly.  To us today, and likely then as well, this would be a difficult task to eat a scroll of paper.  But-he did it and found it to taste like honey.  How much easier it is to obey God’s word in spite of our fears or our ignorance-the outcome is so much better for all of us.

Because we had such a difficult time following the laws of Moses, and so much sin still existed, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross for our salvation.  Our redemption is because of his sacrifice on the cross.  He died so we could have our mistakes-sins-forgiven.  We need to seek Him for forgiveness so that we can be with God in heaven.  It’s really simple.  Repent, believe, be baptized, obey God, help your neighbor, and do this 100% everyday.

The Holy Bible directs us not to fear God: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10, KJV).  All we have to do is believe and know that God really is right there beside us, and once we ask for our mistakes to be forgiven, let it go.  It’s done.   Don’t make the same mistake twice, or sin the same sin, though.  God knows when we mean it. Peace be with you.

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Let it go

hawk soaring

Ever hear the phrase “if you love something, let it go, if it comes back, love it forever?” We as a human race have a hard time letting things go, whether it is relationships or our belongings. As Christians, we need to let go of our old selves, to be born again and become a new person, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, MARIETTA PA 

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, MARIETTA PA and BRISTOL TN, BRINGING BACK GOD,tells us that he used to be so far from the cross that he needed binoculars to see it-we need to find the path to the narrow gate that will let us in to eternal life.  Find our way to Jesus.  Seek forgiveness and repent those old habits and relationships that hold you down and that could drown you in sin.  Ask Jesus to help save you in prayer.  Be baptized in water, love thy neighbor, repent your sins, perform works and deeds that will help keep you on that path to eternal life.  “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.  Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.  Is not the life more than meat and the body more than raiment?” Matthew 6: 24-25.

Don’t hoard things here on Earth, let them go, whether it is a bad relationship or ‘stuff’ that you accumulate.  You can’t take it with you, and it doesn’t do you any good at all to hold onto it.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS tells us that we all are given hope through the crucifixion of Jesus, that he helps us find eternal life.  We need to let the material go, and seek the hope that Jesus brings us:  Hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it.

God bless you.