This world does not know who Jesus is.  Really. If it did, there wouldn’t be human trafficking, drug addiction, murder, adultery, greed, and so on.  The world doesn’t remember who Jesus is, or why he came.  There wouldn’t be so much misery and doubt if it did.  Living as a Christian in a non-Christian world is hard, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA. He says as a Christian, you know Him, you know why He came.  Jesus came to save us from our sins, to give us a new life.  He came to give us peace.  He came to give us joy in the Holy Spirit.  He came so that we can have fellowship with God. As a Christian, you are in a battle with the world.  The world is in war with you.  There’s greed, self-fulfillment, vices of all kinds that are there to tempt from the father of evil, Satan.  He is of the world, and he wants our devotion to be ungodly, he wants us to conform to him.  And since we don’t conform, we are ridiculed, mock, attacked from all sides.  If you have someone in your family who is a non believer, or who questions the existence of God, they constantly question who are you, and why are you this way? Jesus said “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matthew 5:11-12, KJV) in the Beatitudes while preaching on the Sermon on the Mount.  He knew it would be difficult to be a Christian, and he also knew that what saves the Christian is the Word of God….which in effect is Jesus.  He also said that “my doctrine is not mine, but he who sent me” (John 7:16, KJV).  He was telling them that He only spoke what God told him to speak, therefore He was the Word of God.

So as a Christian, you struggle.  You are attacked on all sides by the evil one.  You struggle with sin: greed, lust, pride, vanity, impatience, all kinds of wantings.  You struggle against illness, poverty, marriage problems, job problems, an unsure future. You may be facing a serious struggle right now, maybe you have had to deal with a difficult situation, maybe you fear one is coming.

What do you do when there seems to be no way out, when your relationship with God is being affected, when you are worried or afraid, when you are in distress and need help? How do you overcome these obstacles, resist temptation, flee from the evil one, or go beyond your ability to believe and understand how these problems can be solved? According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS: the answer lies in the Word of God.  The Word of God is Jesus.  Believe in Jesus.  Invite him into your heart, find and follow the pass to the cross of salvation.  That is where you will find peace.

Listen to sermons on to hear more by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. Go to to see what the church, BRINGING BACK GOD will be up to next.  You can see clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube.  Have a question or need fellowship?  You can contact him through email:

God bless you.



Jesus loved us selflessly-he suffered and then hung on a cross and died for us so that we can have eternal life.  There is no greater selflessness than to give your life for others. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS when preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, tells us that Jesus loved selflessly all the time. And, since Jesus was the living God, acting on behalf of our Father in heaven, what Jesus did, He did because it was of God.  The Old Testament tells us in Leviticus 19:18 (KJV) “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love the neighbor as thyself.  I am the Lord.” In the New Testament in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. ” Matthew 5:44-45 (KJV). It’s easy for us to love those who love us.  That’s normal for us as humans.  Jesus loved everyone, he loved the unlovable.  That is what we are to do as Christians, to be Christ-like, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.Loving the unlovable goes against what society teaches us.

One of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS favorite preachers is David Wilkerson.  Wilkerson went from a mountain town in Pennsylvania and began a ministry among the heroin addicts of New York City.  In the 1960’s. His story sounds like it could be happening today.  Wilkerson loved the unloved.  He gave hope to young men and women who were addicts by giving them and showing them the love of Jesus.  So many of those addicts had no hope.  Loving selflessly like Jesus gave them hope and brought them out of the desert of wilderness.  It isn’t impossible to love the unlovable.  You can do anything through Christ.  Just ask, pray for it with heartfelt desire and you will know how according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. We Christians need to love the unlovable. It means not doing what will bless us, but doing what will bless them. It will save ourselves and the world.

You can hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by logging onto the website You are sure to hear a preacher like never before. You can hear and view clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube. See what church  BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by visiting  You can write to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at

God bless you.



According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS in sermons at BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, Jesus loved forgivingly, sacrificially, selflessly, and understandingly. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS encourages us to be Christ-like as Christians. One way to be Christ-like is to love like Jesus did. For us, because we are human, it does not come naturally.  We sooner take the easy way and give in to the ways of the world…..we say “I’m having a bad day, I just can’t take this, they did this to me” and turn around and take our bad day out on someone else-in turn they respond in kind and choose to have a bad day as well. The Holy Bible says to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Do we love ourselves so little that we want to make someone else’s life miserable because something happened? Jesus loves forgivingly. Daniel 9:9 says “To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him”.  Jesus was the living God, and all that He did, He did by God’s command.  He loved forgivingly. If Jesus loved forgivingly, then God loves forgivingly.  If God wants us to be Christ-like, Christian, then we need to learn to love others forgivingly.

We can easily take offense at what other people do or say. It’s our nature. But God wants us to forgive others, like we forgive ourselves-love thy neighbor as thyself. Someone at a business made an error the other week.  A pretty big one, one that affected people directly and indirectly-it spread like a web.  The individual who made the error was busy gossiping about the town-where to go, what to do, someone who misused a church.  While she was doing this, she made an error that had pretty far reaching effects. The individual who had to deal with the fall out from the error chose not to dwell on it or make a big deal out of it, they chose to forgive the person who made the error. The opportunity to fix the error by someone else came quickly-a blessing from God– so that no one suffered for the mistake.  The person who made the mistake was committing sin by gossiping. In that moment, Satan had a chance to create pain and misery. Giving forgiveness to that person stopped Satan in his tracks.  There was no route for him to follow.  None.  Genuinely loving your neighbor and giving forgiveness is Christ-like. Jesus was willing to die to cleanse us of our sins.  Being bitter and holding resentment would have been the normal response for most people…giving Satan free reign in our hearts. With Christ-like love and forgiveness, it stopped him in his tracks.  What an outcome.  How much better off we all would be if we could do that! Peter in Acts 3:19 said “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” PASTOR JOHN COLLINSpreaches the same thing-that we seek forgiveness from God through Jesus, so that we can have eternal life. Seek that relationship with God, be like Jesus.  Love everyone forgivingly.

You can hear more sermons like these by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by going to You can see what BRINGING BACK GOD is doing by visiting the church website at  Fellowship is an important part of being Christian; you can talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS by emailing him at  Have a blessed Sunday.

God bless you.




As a child, did you ever get back at another child because he or she did something to you and it hurt your feelings? Or made you angry so you got even? Or as a teen or even an adult, have you stayed in a relationship out of fear because you felt whoever your partner was would hurt you more physically than the emotional strain of staying in the relationship?  Or have you been in a relationship where getting even is part of the relationship?  You did this, so I’ll do that?  It’s called tit for tat. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRISTOL and MARIETTA, preaches that God’s love is unconditional.  In our society, love is defined as a feeling we have for each other, a commitment to one person. With God, he loves us no matter who we have been, what we have done, so long as we seek him 100%. All he asks in return is to love Him.  There is a difference between loving God and fearing God, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS…..fearing God is giving Him glory and putting what God says above everything else. Loving Him giving Him glory and holding Him dearer to ourselves than anything else.

You say you do love God; as Christians we all say we love God, but we don’t show it, we don’t act it. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (KJV). Total loyalty, love for God, cannot be divided between Him and our possessions.  We say we love God, but we show our love to our things, our money, our possessions, our selves before we show our love for God. Then there are the trials and tribulations we all endure.  We blame God for the pain that we encounter: the loss of a job, a car accident, ill health-like God is reaching from the sky with His thumb to crush us like an ant.  According to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, God does not want us to suffer….he never has, that is why he made the Garden of Eden in the first place.  It was our sin that tossed us from that Garden, just like it is our sin that gives us pain.  God isn’t giving us pain, he isn’t capable of it. He isn’t saying because you keep doing this, I’m going to do this to you….that’s childish immaturity and tit for tat. The fact is Satan is-pain is where he gets to claim souls: people give up on God because of the pain that they are suffering from the sin that has destroyed our lives.  God isn’t doing it, sin is.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches that God wants us to find salvation and relief from our sins. That is why he sent Jesus to be our sacrifice and take our sins.  What a burden that must have been for Jesus, and still is today.  Salvation is ours from our sins, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and seek redemption through Jesus. God gave us Jesus because He loves us.

If you want to hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, listen to him on You can follow what is happening at BRINGING BACK GOD by going to  If you want to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,you can email him at

God bless you.



PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, teaches us that we need to give ourselves 100% to God. That means that we give everything: our love, our trust, our fears, our sorrows, our attention, all of ourselves. God wants it all. He is a jealous God….nothing comes before him. What we are to do and what we actually do are two different things.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS pointed out that so many diseases are associated with worry.  We are a society of worry and anxiety.  There are drugs to numb our anxiety and classes to reduce stress.  We worry about everything: what we look like, how to pay our bills, what our children are doing, what our elderly parents are doing, where our kids go to school, will they grow up and be successful, the list goes on and on.  We worry endlessly, and that worry takes our attention away from our Lord.  We need to learn to trust Him. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says that worry is the ultimate act of rebellion against God in a believer’s life: when we worry as a believer, we are saying God is dead, he won’t do anything to help in our situation.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says that even though the calendar gives us seven days a week, there really are three.  Two of them we can’t do anything about, and we need to trust in God: we can’t do anything about yesterday, it is over.  We can’t do anything about tomorrow, we have absolutely no power over it. Today is the only day we have.  We need to be thankful for it, and with God’s help, we can face whatever comes. Philippians 4: 13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (KJV). Trying to quit smoking?  Give it to Jesus.  Need to find a way to put food on the table?  Give it to Jesus.  Found out you have an incurable disease?  Give it to Jesus…He did heal people through their faith, it’s everywhere in the Gospels of the New Testament. When you give it to Jesus, who was the living God, you are saying you trust in God completely. In Matthew 6:25-34 (KJV) Jesus says “Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.  Is not the life more than meat, and the body then raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.  Are ye not much better than they?  Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?  And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cst into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith.  Therefore, take no though saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink, or Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these thing do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”  He said this during his Sermon on the Mount.  It is wise advice for the believer then and for the believer now.  You cannot change anything by worrying.  Each day has its own troubles and worries.  You can only deal with today, with the help of God.  Give him that chance.

Hear more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, from BRINGING BACK GOD at  Visit the BRINGING BACK GOD website at  You can follow PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on facebook at Need fellowship?  Email PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at

God bless you.




PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching in Marietta and Bristol, TN, has made it very clear that when you preach, it is about JESUS, not the guy on the pulpit.  Whether you call him a preacher, a pastor, a minister, a reverend….if the church is letting them call focus to themselves instead of JESUS, it not about God and Jesus-its about money and attention.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says that these kind of preachers have turned the pulpit into a way to get money….send them $20 for a prayer cloth-your sins are forgiven, your ills are healed.  It’s not about sending $20 at all, you are healed by your faith.  The only One who can give you forgiveness and salvation for your sins is Jesus.  Your faith should be in Jesus, not the guy who is speaking on the pulpit.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS is the first one to tell you he is not in it for the money, he doesn’t care who you are, what you wear, or how much money you have in your bank account.  He doesn’t pass a collection plate—there’s a box at the back of the church to put money in if you have it.  Yes, you should tithe, it says so in Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. He teaches God doesn’t care who you are, what you wear, if you have tattoos or gauges in your ears, purple hair, hair….beautiful clothes or torn ragged jeans.  God doesn’t care how much money you give to a church.  No amount of money is going to get you into heaven.  Only giving yourself, your soul, everything that is you-will get you into heaven.  Next time someone passes a collection plate, do like the guy who had no money to give…put the plate on the floor and step into it yourself.  That’s what God wants.

If you want to hear more from PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, listen to his sermons on  Or visit the church website at  If you need to talk to him, you can email him at

God bless you.


PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching in BRISTOL AND MARIETTA, spoke of serving two masters when it comes to serving God and Jesus.  The Holy Bible says “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24 (KJV). Jesus meant you can’t serve and love God and also possessions or money. Today, we are so focused on buying things, getting things, working to have things, money, houses, possessions.  We have so much stuff.  And since we have so much stuff, are we really serving God?  Do we really love Jesus?  Are we really trusting God to provide for us if we are so focused on getting more stuff?  What do we really need?  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says that we need to give ourselves to Jesus, and let God be the one to show you what you need and provide for you.  That is what He wants to do.  Problem is, we don’t see it.  We just keep getting more and more stuff.  So much that we have to buy or rent places to store it, or have cabinets to store it.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says let go of what is not important.  Less is more to God. Holding on to what you don’t need is greed.  Give it to someone who needs it.  Sell it and give the money to someone who needs it…give a hand up to someone with it.  God provided you with what it took to get it, now give it forward. Use just what you need for yourself.Let go and let God.

For more inspiring sermons of the word of God by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to If you need to talk to someone for fellowship, you can reach him by email at  See what the church is doing by by going to

God bless you.


“Hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it”, according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA. We all get discouraged because we are all sinners.  Every one of us.  The Holy Bible tells us that if we want something, all we have to do is pray meaning it with all our heart, and we will be rewarded.  The thing is, our time and God’s time are likely two different things, and we get discouraged because we don’t get what we prayed for right away. That’s where we need hopeHope comes from our faith and our belief in Jesus and His salvation.

Hebrews 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (KJV).

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (KJV).
Proverbs 13:12 – Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. (KJV).
Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  (KJV).

The Bible is full of support and encouragement.  It is a guide book for living, the only Book anyone ever really needs according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD.  Hope is what God gave us when He sent Jesus to us and He died upon the cross.  Hope is what Jesus gives us when we come to Him, repenting of our sins, seeking forgiveness.  Hope is what we get when we let Him into our hearts, because we know that God is with us then, that He sees what we need, and it will be provided.  Every time.  Jesus is our Hope, he is a drink of water when we are thirsty.  He is the food when we are hungry.  He is our way to eternal life. Discouragement is not of Jesus and God, it is of this earth.  When we let discouragement in, we dwell, we worry, we stress.  That isn’t what God wants for us.  He wants us to be happy. We just have to let go and let God. Believe in Jesus, bring some hope into your life.

You can hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at  You can see what the church is doing by logging into  If you need fellowship or want to speak to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at He will answer you.

God bless you.

Pastor John Collins, Bringing Back God, Marietta & Bristol: Addiction and hope through Christ

Addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, such as narcotics or alcohol, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma or sickness.  Addiction is also identified as the the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity-something that you just can’t stop no matter what.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD, BRISTOL & MARIETTA, has helped many people overcome their addiction.  Among those people are some of his personal friends. One sermon at BRINGING BACK GOD, PASTOR JOHN COLLINS told of a friend who tried to stay clean for six months then failed. That Sunday, PASTOR JOHN COLLINS told the congregation family at BRINGING BACK GOD that he had spoken to his friend and the friend was five days clean and searching for a church to go to that morning….he lived in another state. In the church congregation that morning were at least five members who were once addicts to either narcotics or alcohol.  The sermon that PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preached spoke of hope and promise and being free of addiction because you become a Christian, like his friend.  Being an addict is difficult.  There are programs to help you quit whatever the addiction is, but it requires commitment to yourself and from others.  To give up an addiction as a Christian requires commitment to Christ.  That’s pretty much it.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS has said frequently and repeatedly at BRINGING BACK GOD that once you are a Christian and give up your addiction, you are not a recovering anything, you are simply you….a Christian who once had an addiction-and now can witness to others so that they can be saved. Give yourself to Jesus, find your way to the cross, and He will help you conquer that addiction because of your faith.  Your faith heals you.

The Holy Bible says “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, KJV). In the New Testament, it says  “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23, KJV).  In Ephesians 4 23-24, KJV it says: “be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” PASTOR JOHN COLLINS puts it more simply-hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it.  And, when it comes to addiction, there are no recovering Christian anything.  You are just plain Christian.  You are a new creature.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINS also says don’t let what you are today determine what your are going to be tomorrow.

If you want to hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  If you would like to see what is going on in the church BRINGING BACK GOD, go to the website  If you need to talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can reach him by email at

God bless you.

Bringing Back God: Don’t look back


PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD uses a phrase repeatedly through his sermons and his church sermons.  As a Christian, you aren’t a recovering anything.  You are just plain Christian. You are a new creature. In the Holy Bible, Ephesians 4:23-24 says “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man , which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” (KJV). Philippians 3:13 it says “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” (KJV). And Colossians 3:9-10 says “ Lie not one to anther, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; an have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.”

These passages are from letters by Paul of Tarsus, encouraging those to whom he is writing to remember that once you become a Christian, you are a new person-new everything. This is exactly what PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, BRINGING BACK GOD means when he says you aren’t a recovering anything.  You are just plain you, a Christian you.Don’t say you are a recovering alcoholic, you’re not recovering, you are new in Christ.  Don’t say you are a recovering addict of anything (this can be drugs, food, cigarettes, whatever you are addicted to), you are the new you of Christ.  You have given yourself a new life by accepting Jesus into your heart.  You are finding your way to the cross, as PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says.  Looking back at what you were, in a manner of worrying that you will go back to it or pick up those habits is of Satan.  PASTOR JOHN COLLINSencourages you as a Christian to look at that life and use that experience to tell others what Jesus has done for you in your life.  He helped you kick that addiction to whatever it was.  Use that experience to help others find their way to salvation.

If you have a question or want to speak to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you can email him at He will answer you. For more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, go to  If you’d like to see what is going on within the church, go to the website at

God bless you.