The United States dollar says it “In God we trust”.  Our pledge of allegiance had it added on a Flag day- “One nation under God”.  Our country was built upon trust in God.  But according to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, while preaching at BRINGING BACK GOD, both in BRISTOL and MARIETTA, we don’t trust in God as a country. And we don’t trust in God as individuals.  What a slap in the face to God who has given us everything.

The Holy Bible says “fear not” 365 times.  Do you think that is a coincidence?  There are no coincidences with God.  We are to trust God, and to trust God, we need to listen when he says “fear not”.  This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fear God: absolutely we need to fear God.  All through the Bible are stories of the wrath of God as a result of the foolishness of people who had no faith or turned away from faith-Sodom and Gomorrah and the other three cities, Ananias and Sapphira, Adam and Eve. But we need to trust God to help us through our every day trials, to trust him to help us through our pain, trust him to help us through our life.  He tells us to have no fear, to have courage, that he is there for us.  365 times.  One for every day of the calendar year. “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is that doth go with thee, he will not fail thee or forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

If Jesus was here today, and you knew who he was, would you trust him enough to go to him and ask him to pray with you, to pray for you?  That is our problem too.  We don’t believe that Jesus is here.  He is.  We cannot see him, but we are supposed to know he is here.  Even so, we don’t have faith as a people enough to have the courage to go to him and ask for prayer, for help, to be with us in spirit.  To show us how to go on.  Sure, we are Christians, we profess our faith, we try to act in a Christ-like manner, but we fall short of the salvation of that Cross.  We are hypocrites because we don’t act upon our faith.  We don’t trust.

Jesus died so that we could have salvation and an eternity in Heaven.  God gave us that gift.  We need to trust that he wants the best for us, that he knows our pain, our fears, our shortcomings.  He loves us anyway, and wants us to come to know his Son so we can be in Heaven for eternity. Repent.  Ask for forgiveness.  Jesus is our salvation.

For more sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS,  listen to blogtalk radio at  Check out what the church is doing at  See clips of PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on YouTube. If you want to fellowship with him, you can contact him by email through

God bless you.